Exploring Hawaii's Open Budget: What You Need to Know

Hawaii's open budget is a valuable resource for citizens, policymakers, and researchers alike. It provides a transparent view of the state's finances, allowing for informed decision-making and accountability. But what exactly is included in Hawaii's open budget? In this article, we'll dive into the details and explore the key information that can be found in this important document.

What is an Open Budget?

Before we delve into the specifics of Hawaii's open budget, let's first define what an open budget is. An open budget is a financial document that provides detailed information about a government's revenues, expenditures, and debt.

It is typically made available to the public in a user-friendly format, such as a website or interactive tool. The purpose of an open budget is to promote transparency and accountability in government spending. By making this information easily accessible to the public, citizens can better understand how their tax dollars are being used and hold their elected officials accountable for their financial decisions.

The Basics of Hawaii's Open Budget

Hawaii's open budget is published annually by the Department of Budget and Finance. It includes information on the state's revenues, expenditures, and debt for the current fiscal year as well as projections for the upcoming fiscal year. The budget is divided into several sections, including an overview of the state's financial position, a breakdown of revenues by source, and a detailed breakdown of expenditures by department. It also includes information on any proposed tax changes or new initiatives that may impact the state's finances. One unique aspect of Hawaii's open budget is its focus on sustainability.

The state has committed to achieving a sustainable budget by 2025, which means balancing its revenues and expenditures without relying on one-time funds or borrowing.

Key Information Included in Hawaii's Open Budget

Now that we have a general understanding of what an open budget is and the basics of Hawaii's budget, let's take a closer look at the key information that can be found in this document.


The first section of Hawaii's open budget provides an overview of the state's revenues. This includes information on the sources of revenue, such as taxes, fees, and federal funds. It also breaks down the revenue by category, such as general fund revenues, special funds, and trust funds. One important aspect to note is that Hawaii relies heavily on tourism for its revenue. In fact, tourism-related taxes make up a significant portion of the state's general fund revenues.

This means that any fluctuations in the tourism industry can have a significant impact on the state's finances.


The next section of Hawaii's open budget focuses on expenditures. This includes a detailed breakdown of how the state plans to spend its funds, including salaries and benefits for state employees, operating expenses for various departments, and capital improvement projects. One interesting aspect of Hawaii's budget is its focus on education. The state has made significant investments in education in recent years, with a goal of improving student outcomes and closing achievement gaps. This can be seen in the budget through increased funding for public schools and initiatives such as free preschool for all children.


Hawaii's open budget also includes information on the state's debt.

This includes both outstanding debt and any new debt that is being proposed. The budget also outlines how the state plans to pay off its debt and any potential risks associated with its debt obligations. One important aspect to note is that Hawaii has a relatively high level of debt compared to other states. This is due in part to the state's reliance on borrowing to fund capital improvement projects. However, the state has taken steps in recent years to reduce its debt burden and improve its credit rating.

Proposed Changes and Initiatives

Finally, Hawaii's open budget includes information on any proposed changes or new initiatives that may impact the state's finances.

This can include proposed tax changes, new programs or services, or changes to existing programs. One example of a proposed change in Hawaii's budget is the implementation of a carbon tax. This would be a new source of revenue for the state and could potentially help fund initiatives related to climate change and sustainability.

How to Access Hawaii's Open Budget

Hawaii's open budget is available to the public on the Department of Budget and Finance's website. The budget can be viewed online or downloaded in PDF format. The website also includes interactive tools that allow users to explore the budget in more detail, such as by department or revenue source. In addition, the state holds public hearings on the budget each year, providing an opportunity for citizens to ask questions and provide feedback on the proposed budget.

In Conclusion

Hawaii's open budget is a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding the state's finances.

It provides a transparent view of how tax dollars are being used and allows for informed decision-making and accountability. By understanding the key information included in Hawaii's open budget, citizens can play an active role in shaping the state's financial future.

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