The Future of Hawaii's Open Budget: Expanding and Improving

Hawaii's open budget has been a topic of discussion for many years, with efforts to increase transparency and accountability in the state's financial management. As an expert in public finance, I have closely followed the developments and future plans for expanding and improving Hawaii's open budget. In this article, I will provide an overview of the current state of Hawaii's open budget and discuss the initiatives that are being taken to enhance it.

The Current State of Hawaii's Open Budget

Before delving into the future plans, it is essential to understand the current state of Hawaii's open budget. The state has made significant progress in recent years in terms of budget transparency.

In 2016, Hawaii received a score of 76 out of 100 in the Open Budget Survey, which evaluates countries based on the amount and timeliness of budget information they make available to the public. This was a significant improvement from its score of 60 in 2012. One of the key factors contributing to this improvement is the Hawaii Open Budget website, which was launched in 2015. This website provides citizens with access to detailed information about the state's budget, including revenues, expenditures, and debt. It also allows users to compare budget data from different fiscal years and view visualizations of budget trends. Another important development is the passage of Act 38 in 2016, which requires all state departments to submit their budgets in a standardized format that is easily accessible to the public. This has made it easier for citizens to understand and analyze the state's budget.

The Need for Expansion and Improvement

While Hawaii has made significant strides in improving budget transparency, there is still room for expansion and improvement.

The Open Budget Survey highlighted several areas where Hawaii can do better, including providing more detailed information on budget execution and performance, as well as making budget documents available in machine-readable formats. Furthermore, the current budget website only covers the state's operating budget, which accounts for around 30% of the total budget. The remaining 70% is made up of capital improvement projects, grants, and other special funds, which are not included on the website. This means that citizens do not have access to a complete picture of the state's finances. Moreover, the current website lacks interactivity and user engagement features. While it provides a wealth of information, it can be overwhelming for users to navigate and understand.

This can discourage citizens from actively engaging with the budget and providing feedback.

The Future Plans for Expanding and Improving Hawaii's Open Budget

The state government has recognized the need for further expansion and improvement of Hawaii's open budget and has taken steps to address these issues. One of the key initiatives is the Hawaii Open Budget Initiative, which was launched in 2019 by the Department of Budget and Finance. This initiative aims to expand the current budget website to include all aspects of the state's finances, including capital improvement projects, grants, and special funds. It also seeks to enhance user engagement by incorporating interactive features such as data visualizations and citizen feedback mechanisms. Another important development is the implementation of Program-Based Budgeting, which will provide citizens with a more detailed breakdown of how their tax dollars are being spent. This approach focuses on outcomes rather than inputs, allowing citizens to see the impact of government programs on their communities. In addition to these initiatives, the state government is also working on making budget documents available in machine-readable formats, which will allow for easier analysis and comparison of budget data.

This will also facilitate the development of third-party tools and applications that can help citizens better understand the budget.

The Benefits of Expanding and Improving Hawaii's Open Budget

The expansion and improvement of Hawaii's open budget will bring numerous benefits to the state and its citizens. Firstly, it will increase transparency and accountability, allowing citizens to hold their government accountable for how their tax dollars are being spent. This can lead to more efficient and effective use of public funds. Secondly, it will promote citizen engagement and participation in the budget process. By providing citizens with access to comprehensive and user-friendly budget information, the state can encourage them to actively engage with the budget and provide valuable feedback. Lastly, an expanded and improved open budget can attract businesses and investors to the state.

By showcasing the state's financial stability and responsible management of public funds, it can instill confidence in potential investors and contribute to economic growth.


In conclusion, Hawaii has made significant progress in improving budget transparency in recent years, but there is still room for expansion and improvement. The state government's initiatives to expand and enhance the current open budget website, implement program-based budgeting, and make budget documents available in machine-readable formats are steps in the right direction. These efforts will not only benefit citizens but also contribute to the overall development of the state.

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